Kandelia Updates
Summer School Recap
This summer Kandelia ran another successful Summer School program in partnership with Seattle World School and Seattle Parks and Recreation. This program prevents summer learning loss, provides opportunities to practice English, and helps students catch up in core classes. Students also had hands-on learning opportunities while exploring the Seattle region thanks to weekly field trips planned in collaboration with Seattle Parks and Recreation. Field trip destinations included the Ballard Locks, the Duwamish LongHouse, the Museum of Flight, the Northwest African American Museum, and Bainbridge Island. Students who attended 80% or more of classes earned .5 credit towards graduation, as well as a $500 stipend. Stipends help offset the opportunity cost of attending school instead of getting a summer job, and makes a huge difference in student engagement.
Summer School by the Numbers
- 127 students registered, 100 participated, 89 attended at least 80% of programs, receiving $500 and 0.5 elective credit for HS
- 32 students participated in after summer school programs (music and open gym)
- Kandelia supported 13 students to get their checks cashed at Umpqua bank
- Survey Results:
- Kandelia classes help me build new skills – 94%
- Offers classes I’m interested in – 92%
- I feel safe – 96%
- I am able to practice and improve my English – 100%
- I see staff members as trusted adults – 96%
- I can be myself in programs – 96%
Fall Programs
Strategic Planning and Kandelia’s Three Core Pillars
Over the past year, we’ve been working on strategic planning to ensure we’re using Kandelia’s resources to best meet immigrant and refugee community needs. Through many focus groups and listening sessions, we identified three areas of need that align with Kandelia’s strengths. Based on these findings, we are realigning our programs around three core pillars:
Language equity, including English language acquisition, home language support, and advocacy and capacity building to help schools and other systems better support English language learners.
Educational systems navigation, focused on supporting students and families to navigate school from middle and high school through the transition to post-secondary education.
Employment and career navigation, including job readiness training, career exploration, and systems navigation.
Youth Programs
Back to School Fair
On October 11th, Kandelia hosted a Back to School Fair where students and families could learn about local resources including our own youth programs, eat some free food, meet new and old friends, and get excited for the school year. We even had a photo booth! We’re so grateful to our community partners Bethany Presbyterian Church and Community Health Plan of Washington who made this event possible with their sponsorships! It was a great day to connect with students and build excitement around a new school year.
Student Success Coaching
This fall we are launching a mentorship program for students at Seattle World School. Kandelia has always excelled at providing a safe place for students to build connections with trusted adults. This mentorship program builds upon and formalizes this skillset to provide consistent support to students in need of extra intervention and support. Each Friday, students have the opportunity to drop in to spend time with members of our Youth Program staff, talk through any struggles they’re experiencing, and get support, advice, and connections to any resources they might need.
Newcomer Focused Job Readiness Training (JRT)
Kandelia is launching a Job Readiness Training series that is specifically tailored to newcomers, and to the needs of our current students. The JRT program includes 3-4 week long series covering different topics, during which students meet once a week. Our first series is called “Get Hired” and is focused on how to build a resume, how to find jobs, how to apply, and all the other hard skills needed to find employment. Our second series is called “Follow your Dreams” and will introduce students to potential career paths through classes, field trips, and guest speakers. This JRT program is built in collaboration with SWS to ensure we’re not duplicating the school’s work in this area.
Beginner’s English and Conversation Club
Kandelia’s English classes continue to be an important resource for students hoping to increase their English skills. We will be holding weekly Beginner’s English classes where students can build on their school day English learning. Additionally, we’re offering a Conversation Club, where students can practice English in fun, real world settings – like a trip to the grocery store to practice vocabulary about food and money.
Family Programs
Kandelia’s Family Programs run on the calendar year, which means we’ll begin enrolling new families into the program in the next few months. These classes continue to be well attended and are an important resource for the families and guardians of Seattle World School Students. Current classes include digital literacy, English for beginners, English conversation, social classes, as well as workshops and engagement events throughout the year to support self-sufficiency and foster community building.
Food Access
This October we resumed our weekly food bag program where we provide fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, pantry staples, and culturally relevant foods for our students and families, available to be picked up from SWS each Thursday. Ahead of school breaks, we also provide supplemental groceries, basic necessities, and gift cards to grocery stores. Additionally, our Community Resource Coordinator will work closely with families throughout the year to assess needs and connect them with community resources. Starting next summer, we plan to connect each family with a local food bank and other community resources they can access more conveniently within their own neighborhoods, many of which are outside the SWS area of Seattle.