We remove barriers to immigrant and refugee success

Thank you so much to everyone who attended or supported our gala! We had a great time gathering with our community and raising funds for our work. Learn more about our programs in the video we shared at the gala HERE

We are a community organization addressing systemic inequities so immigrant and refugee families and communities can thrive without having to compromise values, heritage or ethnicity.

Our Programs


Our youth programs champion young people so that they can be their full and authentic selves. 

Learn more >>


Our family programs provide immigrant and refugee families with tools they can use to thrive.

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We bring people and organizations together to remove barriers to immigrant and refugee success.

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The most important thing is that they love us like family. It doesn’t matter where we come from or
who we are. They don’t see that. They treat us all incredibly well and they are great, unique people.

Luis Madrazo

Your support can make all the difference

3829B S Edmunds St Box 9
Seattle, WA 98118

Tax ID: 911122532

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